For the 6th year A MAZE. welcomes African and international game developers, digital artists, forward thinkers, entrepreneurs, and digital activitists to Johannesburg to exchange tools, skills, and ideas in the fields of independent games and playful media. Workshops, talks, parties, and a games arcade featuring the pick of African and international independent games and playful media. A MAZE. / Johannesburg 2017 - 6th International Game and Playful Media Festival is part of Fak’ugesi - African Digital Innovation Festival.
Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride.
(Hunter S. Thompson)
Artists and Program
Game Creators, Media Artists, Makers, Researchers, Coders, Forward thinkers, Musicians. With more than 40 international and African artists, game designers, speakers and musicians showcasing their craft, A MAZE. / Johannesburg brings independent and alternative games, music and playful media to the public in a dynamic, interactive and fun-filled 3-day event.
Games and Playful Media Exhibition
As international culture is brought together, games and playful media stands united too. Artistic and experimental Games and Playful Media are often off the mainstream and allow for different experiences with new and playful views, often on serious topics. Technology is used as playground for artistic expression and experimental interaction with audiences interested in critical reflection and playful interaction. The exhibition is open to the public and gives you insight into another dimension of games culture.
A MAZE. is a Berlin based international label in the field of independent and alternative games, playful media and games culture. Interdisciplinary, game-centered events and productions transcending media channels and cultures are the signature feature of A MAZE. Our portfolio includes the production of festivals, exhibitions, conferences, workshops, game showcases, game jams, artist in residence programmes and a magazine.
A MAZE. interacts with their events in different creative scenes including Johannesburg/ South Africa, Rijeka/ Croatia, Cluj/ Romania, Ramallah/ Palastine, Havana/ Cuba, Pristina/ Kosovo, Kharkiv/ Ukraine, Moscow/ Russia and Berlin/ Germany. A MAZE. / Berlin in April and A MAZE. / Johannesburg in September are the annual festivals that highlights and celebrates experimental games and games beyond the mainstream.
Contact + Impressum
DE 10115 Berlin
Founder and CEO: Thorsten S. Wiedemann
Steuernummer 30/206/31862,
Festival director:Thorsten S. Wiedemann
Program manager:
Ben Myres
Programm assistent:
Sithé Ncube
Social media:
Lorenzo Pilia
Exhibition coordinator:
Steve van Walt
Volunteers coordination:
Kieran Reid
PR + Press:
Nike Wilhelms
Florian Stolzenhain
FUK Graphic Design Studio
Press contact: